Kimron Corion.
I am a Social Media Strategist. I plan and execute results-oriented social media and digital communication strategies and campaigns to support and improve an organization’s online presence and overall digital marketing efforts.

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Introducing the latest edition of the “5 Steps to Executing a Successful Social Media Programme in Your Business Using the C.R.A.V.E. Framework ebook.Dive into cutting-edge strategies, updated for the modern world of social media marketing, enriched with powerful artificial intelligence insights.
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Recent Blogs
What Businesses Need To Do To Succeed On Social Media In 2023
In the last two years, I noticed a significant shift in the world of Social Media Marketing, maybe Marketing as a whole. Entrepreneurs, business people, marketing, PR, and Communications managers are all overly obsessed with media and the medium through which they...
Bet On Yourself If You Want To Win In Business And Life- Kevaughan Graham on Dropping Bars
I speak with Entrepreneur and Philanthropist Mr. Kevaughan Graham this week on Dropping Bars. In this episode, Kavaughan dropped some incredible nuggets of wisdom with us, such as "You cannot do great things with basic people." Kevaughan is an Influential leader with...
How To Rise Above The Noise Of Other People’s Opinion with Odette Campbell- #DroppingBars
Odette Campbell is the Managing Director of the Grenada Broadcasting Network; she started her career in media three years after graduating from the Anglican High School and has been in that sector for over 30 years. Her career began with a brief three-month stint at...
How Busy Creators Can Create Multiple Pieces of Content For Social Media Short Period
Let's talk about content. Content is essential when we reference social media because without content or a content strategy, there are no social media. Content is the lifeblood of social media. However, when creating content, the recommendation is to create content...
How Grenadian Glenda N Cox Won An Emmy As A Reality Show Executive Producer #DroppingBars
This week on Dropping Bars, Kimron speaks to Glenda N Cox about her journey in the world of reality TV and the journey to winning an Emmy Award as Executive Producer on the show Lizzo's Look Out For The Big Grrrls. On September 12, 2020, Glenda N. Cox won an Emmy for...
From Unhappy Employee To Successful Entrepreneur in Six Months- Charlyn Asher on #DroppingBars
Five years ago, Charlyn Asher tried to get a promotion at the company she was working at. She was told point blank that she would never get that promotion. After realizing she was killing herself for a company that doesn't hold her in high esteem, she knew she had to...
Boos Don’t Stop Dunks: A Message To The Young People Of The Caribbean
I woke up this morning inspired to write this post. I spent much of my life holding back myself, limiting my potential because I was worried. I was concerned about how people would respond, what people would say, and afraid that I would be called out as fake. I was...
3 Lessons Brands Can Learn from The Harbour Master and Anderson Peters Fiasco
One of the most effective forms of marketing is Word of Mouth Marketing. Word of mouth is the earliest form of marketing that exists. Imagine the pre-historic marketer who had something to sell. You can only know he had something to sell if he told you directly face...
Using The C.R.A.V.E. Framework to Accelerate Your Success on Social Media
I will never forget that day, as a Student of T.A. Marryshow Community College, around 2005, I saw a friend of a friend posting pictures of herself on the internet. In my naïve self, not knowing what it was….It was on some platform called Facebook. I couldn't believe...
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