by user | Mar 3, 2017 | Events, Social Media, Storytelling, Upcoming Projects
The 2017 SMART START Youth Summit is an initiative led by a multicultural group of young Canadians. The Summit will engage diverse young Canadian friends and supporters to honor and celebrate young Canadians of African and Indigenous ancestry; and young Canadians in...
by user | Mar 1, 2017 | Facebook, Facebook Advertising, Social Media
I keep reading articles online talking about the demise of Facebook and how Facebook is losing favor with teens and mainly being used by older people. I never understood that notion since whenever I am on Facebook, all of my teenage family members are very active on...
by user | Jan 19, 2017 | Ryerson MDM, Social Media, Storytelling
I graduated with a Bachelor’s of Economics degree from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico City Campus in December 2010. After crossing the proverbial stage, I went back to Grenada and worked at the Grenada Public Service Co-operative...
by user | Jan 1, 2017 | Caribbean Entrepreneurs, Content Creation, Creative, Entrepreneurial Stories, Ryerson MDM, Social Media, Storytelling
My life’s ultimate goal is to become a very successful storytelling entrepreneur, which I am currently preparing myself for. In my small digital marketing hustle, I assist small businesses, start-ups, and entrepreneurs with innovative digital strategies that lure and...
by user | Dec 7, 2016 | Caribbean Entrepreneurs, Facebook, Facebook Advertising, Social Media
As a digital media enthusiast, there are two people I look to. One is Gary Vaynerchuk, the ultimate hustler, and the other is Douglas Rushkoff, a media theorist whom I had the pleasure of meeting on his visit to Ryerson University. Both men are accomplished authors....
by user | Nov 17, 2016 | Creative, Ryerson MDM, Social Media, Storytelling
I was sitting watching Mcguyver on demand when I received a video from an acquaintance from one of the online groups I am a part of. The video was about a guy with some religious message, and I decided not to even bother to watch it. However, while I was posting an...