Social media platforms, particularly Twitter has been growing exponentially over the past months. Consequently, Twitter’s growth can provide entrepreneurs with a plethora of business advantages once used properly. Business owners can creatively utilize its services to grow their brand online by hosting twitter chat for free. A twitter chat is a live event where people attach a hashtag to their tweets to discuss a particular topic. The host of the chat poses questions using the hashtag, and a guest will then tweet out answers using the same hashtag. The people you invite to be part of the twitter chat can search for the discussion with the hashtag you selected and join the discussion by asking their own questions or answering previously asked questions.
Problems that may be faced when hosting a twitter chat are remembering to include the hashtag in every post and seeing all the posts with a particular hashtag in one place. Therefore, for those reasons, it is wise to use certain tools for assistance. To resolve some of the named issues tools such as Twub and Tchats, which automatically add your hashtag to every tweet so you do not have to remember, Tweetdeck, and Hootfeed from Hootsuite can be utilized. For the most effective usage, check each one out to determine which is best and easiest for you.
To fully maximize the marketing potential and increase brand awareness using twitter chats, you need to select a hashtag that is memorable, short, and unique. Twitter has a 140 character limit so ensure that the hashtag is not very long. Therefore, both you as the host and your guests need to be prepared for the level of interaction that will take place. Ensure that your guest is someone knowledgeable in a particular topic and able to provide enlightening but concise answers to different questions. To make the process more efficient, send your guests a list of possible questions that may be asked, allowing them the time to prepare short answers advance. Another area that should not be overlooked is the speed with which responses are generated. Consequently, both you and your guest need to be able to type quickly as a lot of questions can possibly come in based on the interest in a particular topic and the number of people on the chat.
On a twitter chat, whenever you respond to a particular question from a participant, you should start your response by mentioning the person’s name so everyone can see exactly who you are responding to. For instance, if you were direct a reply to me, you should start with @kimroncorion then continue with the intended message. Once you have planned your twitter chat, spread the word. Broadcast it via all your social media channels, share with people on your email list, ask your guests to share it with their communities and their followers, and ask their followers to share with their friends that may have an interest in the topic you will be discussing.
Once your twitter chat is finished, make a summary of all the questions that were posed and all the responses that were given then share them with your community so people can see everything. You can also add other information you find useful based in the questions asked. You should not make your twitter chat a one-time occurrence unless it is for a one-off event when continuity would not be necessary. Thus, select a time, whether weekly, biweekly, or monthly but make it continuous once the situation warrants such an approach.